Staci’s passion to support self-awareness, encourage development of spiritual gifts, and mentor personal integrity in others, coalesced into a business model in 2010, under the name of UTAH NATURAL HEALTH, LLC with three branches: The SOUL INTEGRITY MENTORSHIP, the AURA PERSONALITIES book and trainings, and the HEALING & WHOLENESS EVENTS.
Staci can champion the inner child of anyone ready to heal, and she is so clear about your unique endowment of light, that you will inevitably begin to see and feel your beauty, brilliance, and strength for yourself through her mentoring.
Through the SOUL INTEGRITY MENTORSHIP, Staci empathically dives deep into traits inherent in your unique AURA PERSONALITIES layers, and helps you truly embrace who you are at the core. Staci has been walking the Soul Integrity path herself for decades and has become a particularly gifted guide for those with strengths in intuition, spirituality, creativity, entrepreneurship, health, philosophy and thought leadership. Find our more here.
Staci pioneered empathing as a means to discover the color of light around people in her work with AURA PERSONALITIES. She learned from Barbara Bower's work in her book, What Color Is Your Aura? From the intuitive downloads she received about the light and gifts of each personality in countless one-on-one sessions with friends and strangers, Staci compiled her own book in December of 2012 called AURA PERSONALITIES available here.
As a life-long dabbler in holistic health, fine art, writing, yoga, psychology, philosophy, social and religious studies, and spirituality, it was natural for Staci to create the HEALING & WHOLENESS EVENTS—a venue where these concepts could be shared and explored with others. In the past, these events were held at Thanksgiving Point and at the Sundance Resort.
All HEALING & WHOLENESS EVENTS are meant to be sacred, honoring spaces for relaxation and transformation via guided meditation, gathering, creating, playing, eating, moving in nature, learning, coaching, mingling with other holistic-minded souls, and exchanging holistic goods and services with one another. Staci shares her love of AURA PERSONALITIES and SOUL INTEGRITY PRINCIPLES at most HEALING & WHOLENESS EVENTS. No current events scheduled.
Staci’s Bio…
“Staci Sadler, not only is she one of the most Amiable, compassionate, empathetic, wise, loyal, Golden Hearted Women I have ever met, but she has also been gifted with such a beautiful understanding & insight of our Auric traits. I have been so grateful for the invaluable understanding of myself that she has given to me thru her Aura Personalities consultations, book & classes. There is so much power in knowing more about the Self, & then extending it to also better understand others. She shed Light on aspects of myself I did not understand, or even felt afraid of, that opened my eyes to compassionate insight to myself & gave me tools to better accentuate my strengths, thus de-emphasizing my weaknesses. For me, just being more aware of what is going on within me, gave me a new calm & confidence & appreciation of the unique person I am. This knowledge also helps me to be aware of the ways in which I particularly behave negatively, which knowing that I can better be prepared to choose my Higher ways of being. I am so filled with Love for & grateful to know Staci & to have been enlightened & uplifted by her gift she has to share with the World.”
Academically, Staci received a Bachelor of Science degree in Marriage, Family & Human Development from Brigham Young University, studied Holistic Health at Healing Hands School of Holistic Health in California, focused on Fine Art at Santa Monica College, and certified as an Emotional Release Facilitator from the Institute of Healing Arts. Staci has everlong been composing the book to accompany the SOUL INTEGRITY MENTORSHIP, (as well as too many other writing projects to mention). She’s in-love with her lil family and life and God, and pretty much falls in love with the brilliant, unique light of every person she meets, finding Namaste in every encounter. Welcome to her website and creations—they continue to unfold with you in mind!